Origin of the School

Origin of the School

The formation of the Trust was initiated by the philanthropic spurts exerted by Thiru. S. Regupathy in association with a group of like-minded patrons who are best regarded for their bountiful services to the promotion of education. The avowed objective of the Trust is to provide facilities for innovative higher education with vocational basis.
The trust, as its maiden venture, established an Arts and Science College in the name and style of J.J. College of Arts and Science in Pudukkottai in a humble way with 2 courses in 1994. The college today offers 35 courses of study and has the honour of being accredited by NAAC, Bangalore. The college unflinchingly marches towards its ultimate dream of becoming a University.
Having established an arts and science college of excellence, the trust deemed it fit to start an Engineering College and Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology (KVCET) blossomed in 2001.
Considering the dire need for medical services in this locality, the trust then ventured into the field of medical education and started Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Dental Sciences (KIDS), Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) and Karpaga Vinayaga College of Nursing (KVCN).
Now the Latest addition to the trust is Karpaga Vinayaga Global School (KVGS) and in CBSE Stream.
Location : Geographical Vantage
Our Institutions are situated at GST Road, Madhuranthagam Tk. on the NH 45, Chennai-Tiruchirapalli National Highways, Chennai.